Provincial Government Services

The following is a list of helpful links for provincial resources:

Health Care Contacts:

Telehealth Ontario: Get fast, free medical advice

Health Care Connect: find doctors currently accepting new patients

Mississauga Halton (LHIN) oversees health care and medical services in the Peel and Halton Region. Contact the LHIN if you have a complaint that was not resolved by the doctor or hospital staff.

Patient Ombudsman: investigates health care complaints. Contact the Ombudsman if you have a complaint that was not resolved by the doctor, hospital staff, or LHIN.

Frequently Requested Forms:

Application to Change an Adults Name

Application to Change a Childs Name

Marriage License Application

OHIP Document List

Ontario Birth Certificate Application

Ontario Death Certificate Application

Request for Marriage or Death Certificate

Request for Marriage Certificate Application

Other Helpful Links:

Government of Ontario News

Ontario Photo Card

Register a newborn baby

Service Ontario: offers several services such as requesting a birth, marriage, or death certificate; renewing your driver’s license or health card; registering your vehicle; becoming an organ or tissue donor; change your address; change your name; hunting and fishing licenses; and more

Get an accessible parking permit

Ontario Ombudsman: an independent Officer of the Provincial Legislature who oversees complaints about the provincial government when all other complaint mechanisms were unsatisfactory.

Consumer Protection Ontario: a service that promotes consumers’ rights.

Ontario Works: apply for social assistance benefits

Ontario Disability Support Program: apply for social assistance benefits as a result of a disability

InfoGo: a directory of Government of Ontario employees and organizations

Ontario’s ministries: learn about Ontario’s ministries, ministers, and how they serve Ontario.

Bills before the Legislative Assembly of Ontario: see what legislation your representatives are currently discussing.

Employment Ontario: a service that helps Ontarians get training, build skills, or find a job.

Watch what’s currently happening in the Legislative Chamber

Visit the Ontario Legislative Assembly

Free tax filing services for low-income people (note this is a federal program)

Seniors: find a place to live

Find your provincial riding

Ontario 511 : Provides up to the minute traffic and transit information for Ontario.